Convert an Earth Date

The Septaeman calendar system presents a fascinating divergence from the Gregorian calendar, known to those from the Earthly Realms. Before utilizing the conversion formula we provide, we highly recommend acquainting yourself with our distinctive calendar to ensure accuracy and ease in translating dates. Though the process might initially seem complex and intricate, with a bit of practice and a clear grasp of the underlying principles, converting dates between the Septaeman and Gregorian systems can become an engaging and swift activity.

In an effort to bridge the realms and their respective timekeeping methods, our esteemed Demoji, a seasoned voyager of the Upper Realms and adept in the Gregorian calendar, has generously shared a conversion formula. By using his own birthdate as a reference point, this formula allows for the precise calculation of Septaeman dates corresponding to any given date in the Gregorian calendar, applicable to events both prior to and subsequent to this reference.

Demoji celebrates his Septaeman birthday on the 3rd Plutem of Misermensis in the year 2526, an occasion directly equivalent to the 24th of August in the year 1440 by the Gregorian reckoning. This pivotal date serves as your anchor for navigating between the two calendar systems, enabling a seamless journey through time across realms.

Step 1. Calculate Earth Days Since Reference Date:
Reference Earth Date: August 24, 1440.
Target Earth Date: The date you want to convert.
- Find the number of days between these two dates using an online date calculator.

Step 2. Convert Earth Days to Seconds:
- Multiply the total number of Earth days (from step 1) by 86,400 (the number of seconds in an Earth day). This will give you the number of seconds between the reference Earth date (August 24, 1440) and your chosen Earth date. Since Septaeman and Earth seconds are the same length, this number is also the number of seconds between the Septaeman reference date and your chosen date.

Step 3. Convert Seconds to Septaeman Days:
- Divide the total seconds (from step 2) by 143,748* (number of seconds in a Septaeman day) to get the total number of Septaeman days since the Septaeman reference date.
*To get the number of seconds in a Septaeman day, we multiply 66 (seconds) x 66 (minutes) x 33 (hours), this gives us 143,748 seconds.

Step 4. Calculate Septaeman Years:
- Divide the total Septaeman days (from step 3) by 351 (the number of days in a Septaeman year) to find the number of full years.
- Note the integer part (whole years) and the fractional part (partial year).

Step 5. Convert the Year Fraction to Months and Days:
In this step we will use example figures to make the instructions easier to follow. All example figures will be written in italics. Replace these figures with the ones from your own calculations.

1. Convert the Fractional Year into Days:
- The fractional part (the left-over, or remainder, from above) represents the portion of a year. For example, if you got 364.88 years in step 4, 364 is the number of years, and the fractional part is .88.
- Since a Septaeman year is 351 days, multiply the fractional part (for example .88) by 351 to convert this fraction into days.
- Calculation: ( 0.88 x 351 = 308.88 ) days.
- This means that in our example, after 364 full years, an additional 308.88 days have passed.

2. Break Down These Days into Months and the Remaining Days:
- A Septaeman month is 27 days long.
- First, divide 308.88 by 27 to find out how many full months this period covers.
- Calculation: ( 308.88 ÷ 27 = approx 11.44 ) months.
- This means that in our example, 11 full months have passed, with a remainder of .44.

3. Calculate the Remaining Days:
- To find the remaining days, take the fractional part of the month calculation (.44) and multiply it by 27.
- Calculation: ( 0.44 x 27 = approx 11.88 ) days.
- Round this to the nearest whole number, as we typically count full days. In this case, in our example, it's about 12 days.

In our example, 364 years, 11 months and 12 days have passed.

Step 6. Putting it All Together:
• Reference Septaeman Date: 3rd Plutem of Misermensis, 2526.
- Add the calculated number of years to the reference year (2526) to find the current year.
- Referencing the Septaeman Calendar System, add the calculated number of months to the reference month (Misermensis, the 7th month). If adding months takes you over to a new year, make sure you adjust for this (go up to the next year).
- Add the calculated number of days to the reference day (3rd Plutem, the last day of the month). Adjust the week and day accordingly. Again, if you roll over into a new month (or year), make the relevant adjustments.

Note: If you are working out a date before August 24 1440, in step 6 you would SUBTRACT the year, months and days from the Septaeman reference date, rather than add them.