Calendar System

The Septaeman calendar is a meticulously structured system that operates on a grand cycle of 100,000 Septaeman years. Currently, we find ourselves in the 17th cycle, a detail often denoted by brackets following the year, such as [17]. As of now, the year is 2892[17] PA, with "PA" signifying "Post-Atheron".

Each year within this calendar spans 351 days, divided into 13 months. Each month consists of 27 days, organized into 3 weeks. Unlike the Gregorian calendar familiar to those who reside on the Earthly Realms, each week here contains 9 days. This division ensures a consistent and harmonious temporal structure throughout the realm, with no need for the adjustments seen in leap years.

The week begins with Sodiem, setting the pace for a cycle that flows as follows: Lundiem, Mercem, Vendiem, Martem, Joviem, Satem, Uranem, and culminates with Plutem. This sequence of days is designed to align with both traditional elements and the unique cosmological beliefs of Septaema, enriching the cultural fabric of the realm.

The months are named to reflect values and principles held dear in Septaeman society: Innocens, Curiomensis, Patiens, Diligens, Virtensis, Sapiensis, Misermensis, Tempersis, Persevis, Honomens, Benevis, Genero, and Gratimensis. Each month carries its own significance, deeply intertwined with the Septaeman way of life, offering insight into the realm's ethos and the natural progression of time.

To navigate this calendar, one refers to the day and its position within the month by specifying the week and day name, such as "1st Sodiem" for the first Sodiem of the month or "3rd Martem" for the third occurrence of Martem. This method of date-keeping allows for clear communication and planning without the irregularities of leap years or the addition of days, maintaining a steady rhythm to life in Septaema.

This calendar system, with its cyclical nature and division of time, reflects the Septaeman desire for order, harmony, and the celebration of their rich cultural heritage. It is a testament to their deep connection with the cosmos and the structured yet magical essence of their existence.

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A note on time. In Septaema, the fabric of time weaves a unique pattern: while a second mirrors Earth's, our minutes stretch to contain 66 seconds each. This extension shapes our hours to hold 66 minutes, culminating in a day that spans 33 hours. Timekeeping is denoted in the familiar HH:MM format, marking the dawn of a Septaeman day at 00:00 and drawing it to a close at 32:65. This distinctive temporal structure invites you to recalibrate your perception of time within our realm.